It's been a gorgeous September, around 25C every day
warm enough for shorts and even tanktops
Today is Wednesday, half day of work for me
and newspaper day in our small town
So, after work, I take Monty and make the 45 minute walk to the mailbox and the store and back
looking for my e-bay order (still not there...sigh....)
and to pick up the paper along with my weekly bottle of Fresca
By the time I get home I've built up a sweat
Down the sunny dirt road and up the driveway
(note to self: If I ever move, make sure the driveway slopes down from the road
so that when I walk, I can return downhill)
Anyways, thought I'd sit at the table outside in the shade and read the paper and drink my Fresca
Now, this canvas backed chair is probably into its 3rd or 4th season
the last left of a set of four
and I knew better.
Really, I did.
But, the more sturdier chairs were scattered at various spots in the yard
And I was too hot to go and drag one over.
Last year, my son sat in one of these and fell through,
then did the same thing again the next day.
it was quite funny when it happened to him
But I was a victim of "It won't happen to me" syndrome.
I was onto the 3rd page of the paper
heard that canvas rip
and down into the chair I went
With a mighty "Oh shit"
Mighty enough for my Gerry to look out the window
"I'm gonna need help!" I called
What do you want me to do?" he asks
Which is not as inappropriate as it sounds,
as my husband had an "oh shit" of his own 5 weeks ago
And has had his leg bound up in a bright blue cast since then
In fact, we are a family of "oh shits"
because my son is also sporting a bright blue cast,
but on his arm.
So, out he hobbles on his crutches
Thank god he's not into cameras because truth be told
had the situation been reversed the first thing I would have grabbed was my camera
"Just tip me sideways......gently"
Onto my side I thunked
I was wedged in there so tight that even as I lay on my side
It was not as easy to slide out as I thought
Particularly since I was laughing through the pain
And Monty thought it was the most interesting game to play
And Gerry stood there shaking his head
I did get out
brushed myself off
gathered my paper, the mail, and what remained of the Fresca and my dignity
and went inside to finish off safely on the couch.
The question remained though
That Gerry posed to me...
"What would you have done if I'd have been at work?"
I did have my cell phone in my pocket
Though that would be one heck of an embarrassing 911 call!!