despite my best intentions,
I have let blogging fall by the wayside again, for the past few weeks
the reasons are identifyable
and not entirly unforgiveable
and after all, it is my blog
and ultimately, though I love to share with others's blogs
and truly appreciate and look forward to comments
I am doing this for me
we are all doing this for us I suspect
do you ever write a post that you especially like
and don't really want to cover up with a new one?
that's how I feel about my last one
I have read it over and over to myself
and love the pics of my boy when he was small
so that was my original reason for not updating
but, blogging is like a good friend who is a long ways away
it takes time, energy and true willingness to keep the friendship up
and so, I am writing again, rambling again
to keep it up
I printed a book of my first few years of blogging
and it is a journal of sorts
my thoughts, feelings, remembrances and experiences
together with images I felt appropriate
and shared and commented upon by others
It's a legacy
my children may read it someday
and laugh or cry over the parts of inner me,
things they didn't know about
so, am I blogging for me or for them?
I guess both
then I think, that's kind of, what's the word I'm looking for,
egotisctical in a way
to think that my kids would be interested in those parts of me
to think that anyone would be interested in inconspicuous little me
100 years from now, nobody alive now will remember who I was
I may hang on an ancestorial wall
part of a family tree
And I may even look down from above
and say....that was me.