I took
Rick's words to heart and printed out those 228 pages into a booklet form
and studied up about focusing.
I think I have the beginnings of knowledge of how to do it when the camera doesn't want to
(and no, camera, you can't "just say no")

So now what I need to do is practice, practice, practice until I can do it in my sleep and in my waking state without needing to look it up.
As I look at it now though I see that I was in a little too close and cut too much off the background. I think that's what my friend Lisa's suggestion about wide angle meant as I read up on that,
seems it does not mean what I thought it meant. I thought it just meant a wider picture, with more in the sides, but I think it has to do more with depth of the picture? Correct me if I'm wrong please.
I couldn't find it in the manual....I think the
index leaves a lot to be desired because I know I zacksidnetally saw it show up as an option as
I looked through the lens one time....it has to be there somewhere.
That will be my next learning goal.
Thanks for the pointers and keep them coming.