I think I have to accept it
I'm getting old(er)
My mind is no longer "tarp as a shack"
And I have to start making....
Wait for it.......
It seems that wherever I go, whatever I do,
I forget things
My husband says...make a list
My mother says...write it down
My sons say....you're getting old
(thanks, I needed that)
Even this blog,
I had a wonderful idea yesterday
I was going to write it down
But I thought...
No, that one's to good to forget
I'll remember it for sure
But, I can't remember what it was.
I tried picture/word association
There was something I needed to tell my hubby
And I had an image to associate it with him
So I wouldn't forget
But, I forgot.
Whenever I visit my mother for a few days
As she lives 500 km away,
She has lists everywhere
Post-its, scraps of coloured paper, fancy notepads
And I would think
Can't you remember anything??
She wasn't ashamed of it
I would never have to do that!!
As usual, mom knew best
And as I was searching through Flickr for the perfect photo,
(because my camera is still out for repairs)
And by the way, I really wish I knew how to write
"click here", and the here would be underlined
to credit the photographer,(http://www.flickr.com/photos/28307215@N07/2811807545/)
I found this photo
It was not my first choice,
The first two were protected
But this one...I looked at it further
And I thought...
If I have to makes lists,
they're going to be all in one book
they're going to be creative
And one day I'll look at them with my sons
And they'll say....
Sheesh mom, can't you remember anything?