His big brown eyes, in which I detect a hint of defiance
His "please love me 'cause I'm so darn cute" expression
Also his "I'm innocent, I didn't do it"

Uh huh.
Let me back up a bit.
We have a big property, 10 acres.
About half an acre of that is a fenced-in dog pen, built by the previous owners.
It kept our older dog contained for the 6 years he was with us here.
Monty, however, learned at about 6 months how to pull the wire fencing lower down and clamber over it.
No amount of reinforcing will keep him in..
He absolutley hates being away from me and won't put up with it.
Which is why the pen could be useful, because if I have to go out somewhere where I can't take him along, he won't "stay", but will follow me down the road.
The other night my son & I went to the movies. I had put Monty in the kitchen with his usual night-time barricades in place.
He was not impressed.
He pushed over the wooden-chair gate, & got into the living room.
When I got home, I saw what he had done, gave him shit (which was probably useless at that point), put him out & took some pictures, intending to share them with y'all.
Alas, I didn't know at the time that my camera card was not in the camera
So, I can't share the pictures unless I re-create the mess--------
plant stand pulled down & chewed on, pot of lilies emptied & half digested, lotion oozing out of its punctured tube,
that innocent face.
Use your imagination!