In my work as a "work from home medical transcriptionist"
(although we are now called "health documentation specialists" - more politically correct?")
I work for a transcription company in Australia.
This company has hundreds of transcriptionists all over the world,
separated into groups, or "families" depending on the facility we transcribe for.
My group is called "Powerful Paeds" as we transcribe for a children's hospital.
Anyway, through a wayward comment last week
someone mentioned where they live, someone else mentioned where they live,
and so on and so on.
I thought it would be neat to make a map and post everyone's locations
so I requested everyone to share their locations.
This is how it turned out.
Now, what I would like to do is add my blog friends to it,
maybe with pink strips of paper or something to differentiate y'all from my coworkers.
It's amazing how small the world has become.
I remember when I got my first computer and actually corresponded with someone from another country in a chat room.
It was so exciting
Now, its a way of life
I am reading a book right now where the main character in England writes a letter to someone in Australia, and mentions that by the time it gets there a month will have gone by
and the news will no longer be news, or even truth.
There are an awful lot of things that I think were better
"in the olden days"
But communication is not one of them.