Thursday, October 4, 2012

Harvest Gold

What images does the term "harvest gold" conjure? 
Most likely something like this:

Or this:
"The family that drinks together stays together??"
What were they thinking?
Anyways, the harvest gold that I have in mind
is much more pleasing to the senses:
Few can resist the Autumn.
This season with changes upon them.
Few can resist,
The picturesqueness...
Of the Autumn.

With the color of the leaves turning bright,
To their delight.
Red and yellow with orange in sight.
From Sunrise until twilight.

Few can resist the Autumn,
Autumn falls.
Few can resist the Autumn,
Autumn calls.
Few can resist the Autumn.
Hoping that Summer stalls.
Few can resist the Autumn.

Winter, Spring, Summer and again the Fall.
Few can resist,
The picturesqueness...
None at all.

modified from a verse by Lawrence S. Pertillar


  1. Very nicely done Joyce! I love the colors of fall, it's what follows which intimidates me this year. Brrrr. It's getting to the point where vehicles are frosted up in the mornings, it's on the way and I'm not ready for it this year. (I'm not using the word intentionally, I don't want to welcome the next season... not yet!)


  2. I remember those golds ... both kinds! Now our gold leaves fall on top of the snow which hopefully won't last long.

    The berries you asked about are Mountain Ash berries.

  3. Your autumn is absolutely beautiful! I suspect you are a tiny bit further along where you are; we are peaking this weekend, I think. Harvest gold -- yes, often the kitchen colors -- but I live in Michigan so I know what it really means!

  4. I love to see your blue sky, we have had so much of rain the last days.

  5. Harvest gold...much more preferred than avocado! That color makes everyone ask now, "What were you thinking?!?!?!"

  6. Ha ha - loved your autumn gold way better than the other two. The family that DRINKS ??? My, how language usage has changed !

  7. Holy in the sky.....
    Love this one Joyce great great great job. Now I wanna go out and take fall pictures too except I don't have the time for this today...crap.
    Hugs Dagmar
