Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Miss me but let me go

An elderly friend of mine died last week.
Yet another casualty of the nasty cancer.

Two months ago she said that she was going to the oncologist
I said I hope it's not going to be bad news
She said "At my age, what's bad news?"
She was 84.

She considered it good news that she was going to go fast
And was not afraid, but almost, as the minister said,
Looking at it with anticipation of the glory beyond.

To have such faith must be so comforting.

He shared a story
A few weeks ago, her husband had trapped a squirrel that was threatening to be a nuisance
Together they brought it to the woods in the park behind our town
The squirrel was running around in frantic circles in his cage
And when they opened the door,
He bounded off across the woods and away, free again, as he was meant to be.

She said to her husband,
That's what I'll be doing in a few weeks,
bounding along free as that squirrel.
When you see squirrels, think of me.

Love me, miss me, but let me be free.

She was and is an inspiration to us all and the world is a better place because of her.


  1. Wow, this has to be the most beautiful storie I've ever heard on acceptance. This lady is inspirational, even though she's passed she leaves behind this immense inspiration.

    Thank you for sharing her story, I know I'll never look at a squirrel without thinking of this lady whom I'd never had the pleasure of meeting.

    1. 'storie'? I was using my gooder English they've taught me in uni! lol

  2. Well, that got to me! Beautiful! I need that faith. Bless her heart--and your's too--for sharing!

  3. Oh, Joyce. What a delightful picture to share with your story. How happy she must be in the company of angels.

    Her answer, "at 84 what's bad news?" is such a spirited reply.

  4. Thanks for sharing this story about your friend, it gave me many thoughts.

  5. What a great outlook on life, and beyond !

    I like the phrase our pastor in the church we attend in Florida uses when someone leaves this world; rather than saying the person died, or passed away, he says that they've been 'born to the church triumphant' !

    [oh, I see you still have that nasty word verification that I can hardly read ...]

  6. Wow. That's very poignant. I'm so sorry for your loss but sometimes I think the ones who feel the loss are the sad ones and the one who has left is precisely where he or she wants to be. Doesn't make it easier, exactly, but knowing they have such a positive feeling does help a bit.
